
Problem C
Desire For Coffee


At campus Valla of Linköping University, the center of attention is the building Kårallen (the Coral). A number of sea turtles, inhabiting Kårallen, have been given an important task — to deliver coffee to Lithe Kod, the hosts of Liu Challenge. Since Kårallen has its own café, the sea turtles have no problem getting their flippers on a few hot cups of Java, but Lithe Kod resides in a completely different building. Sea turtles live in water which means they cannot crawl efficiently on land and get tired quickly. They do however have a solution which allows them to crawl greater distances: stacking.

Given $N$ sea turtles, where the $i$:th turtle can carry $C_ i$ kg on top of its shell, weighs $W_ i$ kg and can crawl $L_ i$ meters (independent of weight carried), how far can the optimal turtle stack crawl?


The first line of input contains an integer $N$ ($1 \leq N \leq 1000$), the number of sea turtles. Then follows $N$ lines, the $i$:th line ($1 \leq i \leq N$), describes turtle $i$ in the format ’$C_ i$ $W_ i$ $L_ i$’ with ($1 \leq $ $C_ i$, $W_ i$, $L_ i \leq 500$).


Output a single integer descriing the total crawl distance of the optimal turtle stack.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
4 26 10
25 5 2
25 5 1
25 5 1
25 5 5
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
4 2 10
25 7 3
25 8 4
25 10 2
25 9 5

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